Impact Activities
Here is a list of the impact activie from my CV which is presented in reverse chronological order with the most recent at the top.
(2022) Shaping the Future
Future Proofer
Whatever problem needs solving, it’ll need energy to do it. That’s what motivates Alvin in his work as a senior lecture and founder of TrimTabs Ltd, an innovative company that recycles plastics into carbon nanomaterials.
(2019) From Bin to Bulb museum exhibit
Plastic waste is a big problem worldwide so how about using it to conduct electricity.
This project started at Swansea University looks at how to turn waste plastic into other usable materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene and carbon fibre.
We are all trying to find more efficient ways in which to light and heat our homes. We may be able to reduce the amount of energy being lost during transmission by using special carbon wires made out of carbon nanotubes. These nanotubes are made from things like thin plastic film, black plastic food packaging and liquid solvents. All of which cannot be recycled in our household rubbish.
Using these nanotubes could save the UK eight percent of the total energy production, not to mention get rid of some of the plastic currently littering the land and oceans.
(2019) Research Briefing of the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Plastic Food Packaging Waste
Alvin provided expert opinion on the matter of plastic recycling technologies
Alvin contributed to the writing of this POSTNote following the publication of his scientific paper that took consumer-grade black plastic, to convert into an electrical conduction component.
(2018) Research Briefing of the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Distributed Ledger Technology
Alvin contributed to the writing of this POSTBrief
This POSTBrief was written by the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. Alvin contributed the idea that future energy distribution in smart grid systems is accounted for using digital ledger technologies